Friday, July 8, 2011

When The Going Gets Rocky

Where to begin?!   I'll start by saying: "I'm out of Pennsylvania!!" Woot, woot! Never have I ever hated a trail state so much and wanted out!  Not even in Virginia!  The trail in PA really got to me-- in a bad way.  It was the first time I seriously thought about abandoning my thru hike.
The trail through PA is a stout ~220 miles.  However, the amount of miles didn't bother me; it was what the trail had to offer that did.  In PA, there's limited views in the entire state, the trail is laden with pointy and wobbly rocks, it's poison ivy and tick heaven, the dreaded "green tunnel" effect is present due to the limited views, and the heat and humidity are oppressive.   Not to mention, since I had to take a week off, I was behind virtually everyone I had met since Georgia.  When I returned to the trail, I was eager to meet new people but was bummed I was behind my friends.  Yet, I did met a few new people but due to my accelerated pace, I caught up with a few old faces!  One of them being Sparkplug!!  I love that woman.   Her and I celebrated being done with PA by having some drinks here in DWG.  I finally got to have an appletini!
Therefore, even though I blew through PA, it was a struggle to do so.  Believe it or not, one day, I did 28 miles!  After months of hiking, I knew I was physically capable of doing big miles but some days it was mentally hard to put one foot in front of the other.
When thru hikers are having a hard time, the standard suggestion is to just stick it out and things will get better.  So, I kept hiking but was still running short on motivation.  Not knowing what to do, I reached out to a few friends and a past thru hiker (Monkey). Monkey gave me the best advice ever! He told me that when he hiked the trail last year and he had hard days, he just danced like a fool. That's right. Danced. Like. A. Fool. And he suggested I do the same.  I remember it so clearly, too-- I turned on my phone and saw the messages come in.  I read his message and that was it, game time!   I dug out my iPod and got to dancing-- right on the trail!   Never have I had such a change of mindset out here!
I'm taking the day off here in DWG and then it's on to New Jersey! NJ has a short ~75 miles and then I'll be in NY! Woah, these states are gonna fly by...
The Pinnacle

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