Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Weight

Pounds.  Ounces.  Grams.  It all adds up.  Everything weighs something.

I'm reminded of "the weight" because I recently picked up my cold weather gear, as I'm about to head into The Whites where the weather is dynamic.   And I feel the extra weight of my heavier sleeping bag and more clothes.  To reduce weight, I only carry what I absolutely need.  For instance, I dropped my iPod in Hanover, just to name one item.

Hiking the AT certainly puts "the weight" into perspective.  In other words, what is it worth to me to carry "Item X" up and down mountains all day?

Everything in our lives has weight; from our relationships to the material things in our lives.  Obviously, some items have more weight than others.  But the lesson still fits.  We can only carry so much before the weight starts to take its toll (become uncomfortable, if you're carrying a pack).

During my hike, I've thought about what weight I could toss from my life when I get back home.  I'm actually excited to start some cleaning when I return.  Until then, I've cut things out of my life while I'm on the trail.   My contact list in my phone is smaller, for example.  Hiking the AT makes different marks on different people but almost everyone downsizes their life afterwards.  It's logical.  Living in the woods for 5-6 months makes you realize what you really need (or not need) to live.  Also, when you strip most of the [unnecessary] weight away, you appreciate the luxuries in life a lot more than before you started your hike.

I encourage you to cut some weight from your life.  Chances are you'll feel better. :-)


  1. Alot of things come to mind when I read that, emotional and the "physical". My closet being the first one. (cause I know you hate it) You are right though. Alot of those "neccessities" simply aren't. Emotional baggage can ruin your life if you let it. I'm going to try and remember this post every day......

  2. I love my "elementary school backpack" Thank you very much. But yeah man, the trail really does help shed pounds away of all kinds. The days when you feel so full that you're ready to cry at the simple beauty of life, and the days that leave you so exhausted and empty you're ready to go home. All have their lessons, all have their glory. It's beautiful to be brought to such extremes, and it really is awesome to gain perspective on what really counts in life as I feel the trail so often does help teach us.
    Have fun on Katahdin!

  3. Love this post! So true and you will keep those AT lessons when you return! Cheers!
